The Polar Coachman Flyfishers Club meets from September to June of each year. We have a Business Meeting and a Fly Tying Meeting for each of these months (see "Time" below). The Club does not formally meet between June and September. All members and interested people are invited to attend.

The Spruce City Wildlife Association (SCWA) building at 1384 River Road, Prince George, BC (old log cabin fish hatchery on north side of the road).
Meetings start at 7:00 pm and end about 8:30 pm.
- The business meeting is the 2nd Thursday of the month. This includes an agenda, often a special speaker or presentation. Only current members are able to vote on business matters.
- The Fly Tying demonstration meeting is the 4th Thursday of each month. Often a specific fly is decided upon and a presenter will volunteer to tie and teach the fly pattern for the evening. Members bring their own fly tying equipment and material. Commonly, there is extra material to share between members for tying the fly.
- The 3rd Wednesday of the month members socialize over lunch at a local eatery.