PCFFC: Club & Member Activities
1. IFFF Movies 2025 April 5, 7:00PM
We first sponsored the movies in 2015. IF4 will be held this year on Saturday, April 5, 7:00PM at the Canfor Theatre, UNBC. Ticket prices are $25 General, $20 Goups of 8 or more and $15 Students. Tickets will be available at the Canfor Theater door OR on-line at https://www.flyfilmfest.com.
2. "Fishing Forever" with CNIB - June 2024
3. W.O.W. at Ness Lake Bible Camp September 28 2024
This year, BCWF cut ties with B.O.W. (Becoming Outdoor Women) and organised their own event, W.O.W. (Women's Outdoor Weekend). Once again the organizers approached Polar Coachman Fly Fishers to seek our involvement in their activities. Erich Franz agreed to lead an introduction to fly tying course, along with assistance from club members. several club members agreed to help at this event, but as the date approached it became clear that enrolment was down from the previous year and in the end only Erich and Gary Harris were needed. When they arrived at the camp on the morning of the course it turned out that only 2 women were in attendance. With essentially 1-on-1 instruction, the women quickly turned out some quality flies. The flies were of such a good quality that one of the participants, Lisa, gave her flies to her son as he was going coho fishing and he subsequently sent her a picture of a nice coho he landed with her fly in its mouth. Although attendance was low, both Gary and Erich had a good time. Erich even commented on the ride home, "Next year, if I don't want to do this, just remind me how much fun I had."
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4. Danie Erasmus – Aquatic entomology book and Courses:
New Book - Danie just released his new book, Hatches of British Columbia Trout Streams . It can be purchased direct from Danie for $35. Connect with Danie at princegeorgeflyfisher@gmail.com
Fly Fishing Courses - Danie teaches a number of fly-fishing courses at UNBC:
- Introduction to fly-fishing,
- Match the Hatch River: Aquatic River Entomology for Anglers.
Please visit https://princegeorgeflyfisher.com to get more details and to learn how to register for Danie's courses.
5. Brian Smith - Flytying Books and Flytying Supplies:
Fly Tying Supplies - Wholesale Fly Fishing Supplies. Contact Brian at flyfishingnut47@gmail.com to get a link to the Hook & Hackle cataloque, his ordering conditions, and discounts.
Fly Tying Books - Brian's third fly fishing book was published in 2019. His first two books are also available. To purchase signed copies of these books, contact Brian at his E-mail address flyfishingnut47@gmail.com :
Smith, Brian. (2019). "Essential Fly Patterns for Lakes and Streams". Caitlin Press: Halfmoon Bay, BC. $24.95 + GST Book Review > https://ormsbyreview.com/2019/12/13/690-armstead-brian-smith-fly-tying
Smith, Brian. (2013). "Seasons of a Fly Fisher". Caitlin Press: Halfmoon Bay, BC. $25.95 + GST
Smith, Brian. (2009). "Fly Fishing BC’s Interior". Caitlin Press: Halfmoon Bay, BC. $29.95 + GST
6. Erich Franz - erfranz@shaw.ca
Art Work - Erich having experienced the meditative act of fly fishing and fly tying, has sought to honour his hobby with a series of drawings modeled after mandalas. Erich’s artwork is available to the public and can be viewed and purchased at his website:
www.erichfranzart.com .
7. Member, Glen Mikkelsen' s New Book!
- The Rangeland Derby: 100 Years of Chuckwagon Racing at the Calgary Stampede". Glen says, "Honestly, it's been nearly a lifetime hoping and wanting to put this book together, and it turned out fabulously."
- The following are links to Glen's book: The Prince George Citizen https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/highlights/local-author-releases-chuckwagon-racing-book-6660747.
- This book is available at Books and Company https://booksandcompany.ca/
- To order this book go to: https://www.canadabookdistributors.com/product/11002/